Sunday, May 24, 2009

Political doom and gloom (is there any other kind?)

I am not smart enough to get all this economic stuff that’s on the news lately.

But it looks bad.

I see people in the net bemoaning the current rate of inflation, and how much it is about to raise.

And I think, in Puerto Rico we are screwed. You have no idea...

Our inflationary rates have always been way, way above the USA.

Same with the unemployment rates. Ours was 12% in January 2009.
The same date in the USofA, it was 7.6%. Topped off in April 2009 at 8.9%

And it is going to get worse.

The governor of Puerto Rico, Luis “Milhouse” Fortuño is planning on massive layoffs to prevent the collapse of our economy. Turns out the government is grossly overstuffed with employees that paid for their jobs with votes. Decades, possibly centuries of paying for political favors with confy government jobs. We call them "batatas politicas", political yams because you bury them in the ground and let them just grow there. No more effort necesary.

Anyways. We can’t pay for all of them, says Luis. So out they go.

This is the idiot.
Except I doubt the political yams are the ones that should be worried.

Living as I have lived in Puerto Rico all my life, I would wager the political nobodies would go first. You know, the ones that refuse to say or craftily avoid a direct answer when asked for their affiliation. They can't cry Discrimination, can they? But they are not that many, so out will go the guy with the PIP decal on the car, the lady with the pava earrings.

You know how it is in unions, right? When there has to be layoffs, seniority is all that matters. They could spend the day drinking beer and playing dominoes, but they have spent so many years with us that they have to stay.

Something similar. Our political critters will find a way to save their constituents, whether or not they are qualified, interested, or actually bothers to show up at the office.

The unemployment rate is going to spike quite sharply this year.

Which means there will be less revenue from sales and such…

Which means next year around he might feel forced to repeat the performance.

Way to go, Luis!

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