Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am starting to test my hand with tarot. I bought a gorgeous, gorgeous deck, Manga Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.
I am still figuring out the symbolisms, but I think it is very interesting. The gender roles are reversed in most cards, with a female Fool and a male Justice. The Princesses-Knights are riding on mounts: a horse, a whale, a tiger, and a dragon. Princes-Pages go on foot, holding the item of its Suit.
First things first, I tried a few spreads and asked a few questions. No, I don't remember, and no, I did not write anything down. It was a simple trial run, not of hte deck itself, but of my (crude) understanding of the symbols.
But on the 4 trials, I noticed there were 2 cards that showed everytime. I was completely reshuffling the cards, so it should not happed, but there it was.
The Tower, and the King of Swords (inverted).
So... The Tower, showing a burning pagoda under a sky crossed by lightning, and a female warrior holding a broken sword over her head; talk about ominous. It warns of a nearby crisis, a shock to the system, a disaster of some kind.
I truly, truly did not want that card to show up. Specially since it can also mean an earthquake, and since we share the same plaque with Haiti, there is some talk that we could be next. Superstitious blather, but there you have it.
And the King of Swords, a paragon of intelectual achievements, a verifiable genious, inverted, so it is either telling me not to rely too much on my rationale to overcome the crisis... or warning me that my mind itself is at stake, that I might snap and go crazy.
Not too worried. I have always been a bit of a skeptic at heart. I am like Mulder on the X-Files: I want to believe. I don't actually believe all that much, but I very much want to believe.
And even if I were totally convinced that I received a direct message from the aFlying
Spaghetti Monster ... this was my first time. Surely I need more time to get used to the language of symbols..

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