Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes, I need glasses

The experience at the ophthalmologist was less than spectacular (pardon the pun).

They looked at my eyes while I looked at things, and told them what I thought I was seeing.

I had a moment of panic when I was going to do the glaucoma test, as it involves a thing touching the eye to check the eye pressure. I am a bit phobic about my eyes. There were several tries, until I finally decided I better stare at the doctor’s tie instead of the thing about to poke me in the eye.

But what really pissed me was that I was not given a diagnosis. I asked the doctor and his answer was … somewhat insulting, I think. He said I have “glasses-itis”.

Twice he mentioned that I warranted a stronger prescription than what he was writing down for me, since I have never before used glasses and I might have trouble adjusting to distances again.


I am blind enough to have to adjust to distances, and he won’t tell me what I have? Long term? Short term? Curvature of the cornea? Blood flow? Nerve damage? Are the glasses for driving? For reading? Computer work?

What a ripoff! I could have been better off just going to an optometrist.

So, anyways, this weekend I’ll be taking the doctor’s writ to one of those places where they make glasses. Didn’t do it yesterday because I’m broke.

Thinking of taking my old frames with me and really screw them. LOL

For you see, when I was about 15 I was convinced I was losing my sight and my parents took me to an optometrist. My mother took the opportunity to have new glasses made.

The guy immediately declared I needed glasses, gave me a prescription and let me out to check the frames with my dad. The lady started with the Calvin Kleins.

“Out of my range. Cheaper.” I said.

She kept on showing me brand names, and I kept on telling her to go cheaper.

Finally, she took out of under a display a black box. Inside were a lot of glass frames in basic wire wrapped in transparent plastic baggies. At about 10 dollars each, I took them.

My mom got herself a brand name for a few hundreds of greenbacks. I remember they were imitation tortoiseshell. She left them in the sun a few weeks later and they warped/melted.

Dad thought it was hilarious. He kept saying I was showing good sense. LOL

Anyways, I think there was nothing wrong with my sight. For a few months I wore the glasses, but I really saw no difference with or without.

So I stopped…

Until now…

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